Add OpenAPI to your first App

In this document we will add to the Hopeit App created in the previous tutorial the abiliy to validate, and generate API docs through the Open API feature supported by hopeit.engine.

Also you’ll see how to access the web interface which hopeit.engine provides out of the box, to visualize the your API docs and interact with your endpoints directly.

*You can use the same files created on the previous tutorial and jump to [Step 5: Adds OpenAPI json-schema validation and API docs]

Step 1: Create virtual environment and install hopeit.engine

Install hopeit.engine: Installation instructions

Step 2: Create App configuration json file

Create a file named config.json with the following contents

  "app": {
    "name": "my-app",
    "version": "1.0"
  "env" : {},
  "events": {
    "sample-endpoint": {
      "type": "GET"

Step 3: Create a server config file

Create a file named server.json with a basic configuration: for development we will set logging level to DEBUG so our app logs everything to the console.

    "logging": {
        "log_level": "DEBUG"

Step 4: Create the event handler

  1. Create a python module myapp, this is file named inside a folder my_app

mkdir my_app
cd my_app
  1. In the same folder, my_app, now create a python file with the following code

Step 5: Add OpenAPI json-schema validation and API docs

To add Open API support to your endpoints, add a description header, and an __api__ definition to your source file:

API: sample-endpoint
Same as first app sample-endpoint now with Open API.

This endpoint adds the capability of json-schema validation and API docs.
[CommonMark syntax](  MAY be used for rich text

from dataclasses import dataclass

from import event_api
from import EventContext
from hopeit.dataobjects import dataobject

__steps__ = ['step1']

class MyObject:
    text: str
    length: int

__api__ = event_api(
    summary="Sample Endpoint",
    query_args=[('payload', str, "provide a 'string' to create 'MyObject'"),
                ('number', int, "number to be added to the 'length' of the payload of MyObject")],
        200: (MyObject, "MyObject where name is the received string uppercased and number its length")

async def step1(payload: str, context: EventContext, number: str) -> MyObject:
    text = payload.upper()
    length = len(payload) + int(number)
    return MyObject(text, length)

Adding the __api__ entry, enables to define the specifications of query_args, as well as the different types of responses provided by the endpoint. For this pourpose, event_api method is provided as a convenient way to define Open API specification from your source code file. If for some reason this helper doesn’t suit to your needs, you could allways write the entire definition of the endpoint as a python dict following the OpenAPI standard. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.

Finally, in order to obtain the openapi.json file run from the root of the project:

export PYTHONPATH=./ && hopeit_openapi create --config-files=server.json,config.json --api-version=1.0.1 --title="Sample endpoint" --description="sample-endpoint app with OpenAPI validation and API docs" --output-file=api/openpai.json

Now you can run the app with OpenAPI enabled

export PYTHONPATH=./ && hopeit_server run --config-files=server.json,config.json --api-file=api/openpai.json

Step 6: Enable OpenAPI documentation page:

We are almost there, this is the last step to finaly browse the docs in you favorite web browser. Add to the config file server.json the api section to set the path for the API docs.

    "logging": {
        "log_level": "DEBUG"
    "api": {
        "docs_path": "/api/docs"

Now you can run your app with json-schema validation and API docs enabled in /api/docs:

export PYTHONPATH=./ && hopeit_server ---files=server.json,config.json --api-file=api/openpai.json

Done! point your browser to http://localhost:8020/api/docs

Step 6: Call the endpoint from API Docs page:

#TODO: Add snapshot