Create your first App

In this tutorial we will create and run a Hopeit App or microservice that has a REST endpoint that returns and object built from provided query arguements.

Step 1: Create virtual environment and install hopeit.engine

Install hopeit.engine: Installation instructions

Step 2: Create App configuration json file

Create a file named config.json with the following contents

  "app": {
    "name": "my-app",
    "version": "1.0"
  "env" : {},
  "events": {
    "sample-endpoint": {
      "type": "GET"

Step 3: Create a server config file

Create a file named server.json with a basic configuration: for development we will set logging level to DEBUG so our app logs everything to the console.

    "logging": {
        "log_level": "DEBUG"

Step 4: Create the event handler

  1. Create a python module myapp: create an empty file named inside a folder my_app, i.e.:

mkdir my_app
cd my_app
  1. In the same folder, my_app, now create a python file with the following code

from dataclasses import dataclass

from import EventContext
from hopeit.dataobjects import dataobject

__steps__ = ['step1']

class MyObject:
    text: str
    length: int

async def step1(payload: str, context: EventContext) -> MyObject:
    Receives a string and returns MyObject where name is the received string
    uppercased and number its length
    text = payload.upper()
    length = len(payload)
    return MyObject(text, length)

Step 5: Run the server

Go back to folder where my_app is located

cd ..

Run hopeit server using the following command:

export PYTHONPATH=. && hopeit_server run --config-files=server.json,config.json

Server should be running and listening on port 8020:

2020-06-25 16:35:52,120 | INFO | hopeit.engine 0.1.0 engine hostname 15394 | [hopeit.server.engine] Starting engine... |
2020-06-25 16:35:52,148 | INFO | hopeit.engine 0.1.0 engine hostname 15394 | [hopeit.server.engine] Starting app=my_app.1x0... |
2020-06-25 16:35:52,150 | INFO | hopeit.engine 0.1.0 engine hostname 15394 | [hopeit.server.web] GET path=/api/my-app/1x0/sample-endpoint |
======== Running on ========
(Press CTRL+C to quit)

Step 6: Call the endpoint

Lets call the endpoint with a sample string as payload:

curl -i "localhost:8020/api/my-app/1x0/sample-endpoint?payload=hopeit"

We should get as response a JSON object representing and instance of MyObject

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Track-Operation-Id: 19d1311a-08b3-4fc4-ba96-b85e306e694b
X-Track-Request-Id: 050e1e58-2e92-46a5-aff3-4f2ee3d4e2ec
X-Track-Request-Ts: 2020-06-20T22:02:10.116858+00:00
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 31
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2020 22:02:10 GMT

{"text": "HOPEIT", "length": 6}%

We should see in the logs information about how the request was served successfully:

2020-06-25 16:38:25,528 | INFO | my-app 1.0 sample-endpoint hostname 15394 | START | track.operation_id=ca9aa13c-017b-4698-aade-cac9519d9ee7 | track.request_id=470cca74-4fb2-4e25-8da9-07acc9d0909f | track.request_ts=2020-06-25T16:38:25.528680+00:00
2020-06-25 16:38:25,534 | INFO | my-app 1.0 sample-endpoint hostname 15394 | DONE | response.status=200 | metrics.duration=5.506 | track.operation_id=ca9aa13c-017b-4698-aade-cac9519d9ee7 | track.request_id=470cca74-4fb2-4e25-8da9-07acc9d0909f | track.request_ts=2020-06-25T16:38:25.528680+00:00

Basic terminology

  • App: is the service we just created consisting of a configuration file plus a python module my_app.

  • Event: is the basic execution unit that is triggered when an endpoint is invoked, or a object is received from a stream. Our event is configured under events section in config.json and implemented in file.

  • Server: is the instance of the microservice that is run using a server and one or many apps configuration files, plus their implementing modules. Notice that a service can consist of one or more Apps running under the same process.

What we have done so far?

We basically created a very basic microservice, with a HTTTP endpoint, /api/my-app/1x0/sample-endpoint that receives a query argument called payload and returns an JSON object containing two fields text and length.

What hopeit.engine did for us:

  • Registered our python file as the handler for the route `/api/my-app/1x0/sample-endpoint

  • Runs our (micro)service backed by aiohttp

  • Maps and validate the data types for the query arguments

  • Maps and validate data types, between our data objects MyObject and the JSON response sent back

  • Adds logging to our service

  • Added a request_id, operation_id and request timestamp thet are automatically logged and returned in the response. Hopeit.engine will also track requests ids among many different events if we use distributed processing via STREAMS (* see tutorials below).

  • Compute execution metrics for the calls to the endpoint, metrics are logged by default.

What’s next?

These are just the basics, in the next tutorials you will see: