Install hopeit.engine

The following will install core hopeit.engine componentes plus the dependencies to create an run a web server with Open API support and the Command Line interface tools to run a server and manage APIs.

hopeit.engine requires:

  • Python 3.8.x or above

1 - To install hopeit.engine with web server and command line interface support using pip on a virtual environment:

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install "hopeit.engine"
pip install "hopeit.engine[web]"
pip install "hopeit.engine[cli]"

2 - Optionally to enable Redis Streams, a plugin needs to be installed:

pip install "hopeit.engine[redis-streams]"

3 - To install in development mode (linked to source):

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
git clone
cd hopeit.engine
make install